Cover image

Ben Wilkinson

A minimalistic portfolio for 3D artist Ben Wilkinson, featuring a modern 3D hover effect

The problem

Artist Ben Wilkinson needed a website to showcase his 3D work

Many of the existing portfolio generators all looked the same. Ben needed a website that would impress and make his work stand out.

The solution

A bespoke WordPress theme

Designed to be minimal, to showcase Ben's art. A modern 3D hover effect allows the work to pop and stand out from other 3D artists.

The tech stack

  • WordPress

    WordPress allowed for the quick creation of the site, making it easy for Ben to update the content in the future

  • ACF

    Advanced Custom Fields allowed for the data structure to be built codeless, allowing for a quicker turn around

  • JS

    The 3D hover effect used in the portfolio was developed using JavaScript

Final Thoughts

Ben Wilkinson's portfolio achieved it's aim: to be minimalistic, letting the work sit centre stage, while providing a 3D punch that enhances the presentation of Ben's work